FERC Issues Final Rule for New Transmission Projects

The agency seeks to facilitate the construction of interregional lines for clean energy.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved a ruling that reforms how new electric transmission projects are approved and funded. This is the first major transmission policy update in over a decade.

The commission received over 30,000 public comments as it developed the rule, which requires transmission owners to submit 20-year plans for their projects and update them every five years. This focus by the FERC on long-term planning is intended to increase the creation of interregional transmission lines, which are essential for moving energy between large areas.

“This rule cannot come fast enough,” said FERC Chairman Willie Phillips after the rule was approved. “There is an urgent need to act to ensure the reliability and the affordability of our grid.”

“We are at a transformational moment for the electric grid with phenomenal load growth,” he added, citing the surge in domestic manufacturing, proliferation of data centers, and the rise in extreme weather events that have strained the country’s infrastructure.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Chair Phillips as he advocates for the new rule updating the approval and funding of transmission projects.
  • For Energy Secretary Granholm to seek God’s wisdom as she collaborates on the authorization of energy transmission efforts.

Sources: Reuters, JD Supra


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